Monday, January 31, 2022

If you shave you should watch this

Sponsored by Richards Razors

If you shave you should watch this


Also available on eBay

Pictures and prices: (More pics)

Global shipping for international orders;

Global shipping for international orders;

 Well here we are again, our store is almost out of items to sell. In the next week or so we will be posting 15 to 20 more razors, all are Refurbished and Replated. We will be selling Gillette fat boys, among other various high-end razors made by Gillette. Bostonians, Executives, MLord, ABC etc. we will have A very Large variety of Bright nickel and gold razors please be sure to have a look. Please read some of our feedback, that way you'll be able to read about our Fantastic Razors, shipping program and have any questions that you have answered. We sell and ship worldwide, always have, always will! Global shipping for international orders;

Richards Razors is going to try to keep the prices as low as possible. The less we purchase the razors for the less we sell them For To the customer. We are going to try to keep our prices in-line or lower than all others. We are Worldwide Sellers and have never had a problem with our packages arriving to the customer and on time 'Global Shipping' is turning out to be a godsend for international shipping, some shipping prices to Europe were more than $60 or more now they are as low as $22 depending on the country. As far as we are concerned 'Global Shipping' is the best thing that has happened to shipping in quite a while. Please come see what we have…  Thank you… Richards Razors